The Search for Boston’s Best Smoothie- Part 1

The Search for Boston’s Best Smoothie- Part 1

Finding a good smoothie in the greater Boston area is not as easy as you might think.  No, I am not talking about smoothies from Dunkin’ Donuts and McDonald’s that use little or no real fruit, and a bunch of nasty syrup and added sugar.  I am talking about wholesome, real smoothies, that can be downed as meal replacements.

A few years back, my favorite smoothie place was located in Harvard Square within the train terminal on a makeshift stand.  The guy who ran the place always had real fruit in his cooler that he would whip up into a smoothie as fast as an out-of-service train passing through the platform.  Since then, the area dried up and I have been purchasing a majority of my smoothies at Blue Shirt Cafe in my home city of Somerville (review coming in a later post).

Within the past few weeks, a new smoothie joint has opened in Harvard Square.  Liquiteria.  There is where I am going to begin my journey searching for the best smoothie in the greater Boston area.


1440 Massachusetts Avenue
Harvard Square
Cambridge, MA 02138

Liquiteria has not been open very long and I am already extremely impressed by this place.  The search is early, but I think it is going to be difficult to beat Liquiteria.

The vibe is authentic and its vibrant colors and attitude will make you think you are at a spot in Latin America and forget about the homelessness and tourism which are at odds with one another on the streets of Harvard Square.  

The options for smoothies here are plentiful and rich in contrast.  I have visited Liquiteria a few times already and have purchased a Green Monster($6.50) each time.  The Green Monster consists of blueberries, strawberries, bananas, apple cider, super green food, and vegan protein (yes, I am a vegan).  

The smoothie is filling and is great for pre-workouts or post-workouts, or as a meal replacement.  Last time I was there, I also picked up a peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter, banana, and berry jam sandwich on multigrain bread.  So simple.  So good.  When you are health conscious and want something fast and light to keep you going, this is a perfect option.

Why is it that there are not more restaurants and smoothie joints that offer options like this?  Please?

Liquiteria is a legit smoothie place and somewhere I see myself visiting a lot in the near future, especially since they have other great light and vegan options like acai bowls and steel cut oatmeal.  Blend it up baby.  Blend it up.  

Please check back soon to  join me on the hunt for Boston’s best smoothie.  

Jasen Sousa is the author of a number of poetry and fiction books for young people.  Jasen has an M.F.A. in Creative Writing and has been a vegan and health conscious athlete for over a decade.