A Warrior’s Will By Jasen Sousa

A Warrior’s Will

A warrior’s will, not a violent thrill, but a silent still
which embodies the tyrant’s ill.
Superior skill, a warrior’s will.

Never to stay down for long, listens closely to those who are gone.
There will never be a day in which you can sever this bond.
Superior skill, a warrior’s will.

Attains the adrenaline of a million men and resides in places most only dream to have been.
Fights battles over and over again, even when it appears to be the very end.
Superior skill, a warrior’s will.

Covered in blood, a stormy sky hovering above.
A journey to discover his ultimate love.
Superior skill, a warrior’s will.

Leaves tracks for others to follow,
always ready to attack to preserve tomorrow.
Superior skill, a warrior’s will.

Drags himself up a hill, a warrior’s will.
Will not stop until he accomplishes what he came to fulfill.
Superior skill, a warrior’s will.

Taken From
A Mosaic of My Mind By Jasen Sousa (Written at age 24)
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