Opening a New Rap CD By Jasen Sousa

Opening a New Rap CD

I rush to the store on release day,
there when the doors open.
I can’t wait to hear from my favorite musician again
and the new messages out of their mouth that will be spoken.
Better than their last album,
what I’m hoping .
While I walk, I try to get the plastic off
with a finger nail that’s broken.

Annoying security seal
that keeps knowledge trapped inside.
Passion, pain and pride,
there’s nothing they won’t hide.
Cover art tagged with a parental advisory sticker.
Open up the jewel case , there it is in all its glory.
Art converted into music,
lyrics that tell a story.

I can smell the fresh factory aroma,
better than any flower.
I can’t wait to pop it into my CD player
and hear them spit for the next hour.
I turn the CD over to make sure there are no scratches.
I see colors of the rainbow and my face reflecting.

I place the CD back in the case for a second,
open up the CD booklet to get info on the tracks.
Guest appearances, songs that are sampled, who wrote it,
who published it,
all the interesting facts.
I place the CD into the stereo tray,
anticipate the first words they will say,

I press play.

Intro comes on,
I can already tell it’s the bomb.
A voice that could be mistaken for a machine gun on the song,
rhythm, rhyme, track number, displaying of time,
stories coming from their mind,
I could listen all day long.

The first time I hear it,
it’s not as good as the second, or the third.
I press the backwards arrow,
I’m in amazement of what I just heard.
The fourth, the fifth, the sixth,
the seventh, the eighth.
Even though it’s late, I have to call all my friends
and tell them this album is great!

Situations they speak on,
they vividly describe emotions.
They live it as I live it,
the CD spins in motion.

Every rapper to me
is like a rose that grew from concrete.
That’s why I can’t wait to hear their new vocals
over their hot new beat.
Head bumping to the sound,
tapping softly, my feet.
Stars shining so brightly
under lights of the street.
The last song on the best CD I ever heard is about to end!
I don’t sweat it, my stereo is set to repeat...

Taken From
A Mosaic of My Mind By Jasen Sousa (Written at age 24)
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