Dying Light By Jasen Sousa

Dying Light

The light which once shined so bright
is being sucked away by everyday life.
I once wrote with a pen and paper.
Now, with a knife on my skin, I write.

Something, someone, punctured my heart
and left passion pouring out of my blood stream.
The horror of the world lurks inside of my dream,
never quite understanding what it might mean.

That large luminous ball of light
has faded into a tiny little beam.
Trapped inside a dark tunnel,
the only one able to hear myself scream.

The path I travel down has disappeared.
I will keep walking towards this light,
but by the time I get there,
I fear it will no longer appear.

Taken From
A Mosaic of My Mind By Jasen Sousa (Written at age 24)
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